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Dr Paul Enenche Sunday Message 23 October 2022 | Emotional Diseases

Dr Paul Enenche Sunday Message 23 October 2022 | Emotional Diseases

Dr Paul Enenche Sunday Message 23 October 2022 | Emotional Diseases



1. Understanding the nature of emotional diseases
2. Understanding the solution to emotional diseases
Man is a tripartite being (3-in-1) – he is a spirit, he has a soul and lives in a body
The disease of the spirit is called sin, the diseases of the body are physical ailments and the diseases of the soul are mental ailments
There are three departments of the mind:
i. The will (the centre of our choices/decisions)
ii. The intellect (the centre for learning/intelligence)
iii. The emotion (the centre of feeling/wellbeing)
Many human beings are not physically sick but are emotionally sick

1. Fear (2 Tim. 1:7; 1 John 4:18; Job 3:25; Deut. 13:11; Prov. 4:23; Rom. 10:17; 12:1-2; 2 Tim. 1:7)
Fear has the capacity to attract the physical equivalent of what one fears

Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm – Oxford dictionary

1a. Repeated personal or family cycle/history of negativity or adversity
1b. Continuous openness or exposure to negative news or report (Deut. 13:11)
1c. Prolonged shortage of vision, revelation, positive expectation, or faith in the heart
When the heart is bankrupt of word-based visions, revelations and expectations, it is left to negative anticipations and expectations
There can be no vacuum in nature
No matter how desperate the fear is, it cannot survive in the midst of the abundance of light.

Continue with Dr Paul Enenche Sunday Message 23 October 2022

I. Guard your heart consciously and continuously against negative news, reports and stories (Prov. 4:23)
II. Renew your mind continually with the Word of God for faith to be established (Rom. 10:17; 12:1-2)
Faith cometh by hearing and fear also leaveth by hearing, hearing the Word of God (Rom. 10:17)
The Word of God will fill your heart with vision, revelation and expectation; it will give you a picture of your future
III. Deal decisively and continually with fear by the Word of God and by prayer (2 Tim. 1:7)
2. Low self-esteem (Gen. 1:26-28; Ps. 139:14; Isa. 41:14; Eph. 4:29; 2 Cor. 10:12; Ps. 139:14; Prov. 12:18)

i. Low self-esteem is low confidence in one’s own worth and abilities
ii. Low self-esteem is a reduced sense of value, worth and meaning; it is the twin of inferiority complex
Confidence affects competence

2a. Prolonged exposure to negative words and deficiency of positive affirmation, especially in growing up years (Eph. 4:29)
2b. Continuous comparison of people with others that are deemed to be better than them (2 Cor. 10:12)
Most times, comparison goes hand in hand with fault-finding; many people are very generous with condemnation but very stingy with commendation for the people of their lives
If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything at all
If you wait for external encouragement you may die discouraged; encourage yourself first!
2c. Insults bordering on defects or deficiencies of life

I. Always see yourself the way God sees you; never agree to see yourself the way the enemy, the world or the devil tries to see you (Ps. 139:14)
Nobody can look down on you without your permission
II. Always learn to use positive, empowering and edifying words both on yourself and on others (Prov. 12:18)
Life is a seed; use positive quality words on others, and the seed of good words will be received as a harvest in your life

Don’t use people’s behaviour to confirm your quality
Don’t let anyone destroy your sense of value and quality
The best thing anyone can do for you is what you do for yourself
Don’t let anyone look at your face and devalue you in your eyes
No matter the things you think that are wrong with your spouse, find the things that are right with him/her and comment on them
3. Worry (Matt. 6:25-33,34)

Worry means to feel or cause to feel anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems – Oxford Dictionary

3a. Combining the failures of the past with the challenges of the present and the uncertainties of the future
Worry is looking at yesterday, today and tomorrow at the same time; the outcome of it is pressure, anxiety and collapse (Matt. 6:34)
3b. Inaccurate and inadequate information or awareness of the position/picture of things (1 Cor. 13:9)
If you knew more/better you would worry less
3c. The overestimation of the ability of the enemy and his problems and the underestimation of the capability of the Almighty and His solutions (John 6:7-11)
The goodness of God is stronger than the wickedness of the devil

I. Handover all your cares and concerns to the One Who alone can handle them (1 Pet. 5:7)
II. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and rely not in your own wisdom, involve Him in all your steps and He will guarantee your peace (Prov. 3:5-6)
III. Build faith and confidence in the capability of the Almighty through the Word (Rom. 10:17)
Let the Word of God show you that God is equal to your battle

4. Rejection (Ps. 27:10; 2 Tim. 4:9-12; Ps. 41:9-10)
Rejection is a universal challenge of humanity
Many characters in Scripture suffered rejection:
David (Ps. 27:10),
Paul the apostle (2 Tim. 4:9-12),
Our Master Jesus (Ps. 41:9-10; Mark 15:34)

i. A person or thing dismissed as inadequate or unacceptable – Oxford Dictionary
ii. To be abandoned or forsaken as unwanted or unneeded
iii. To be refused an expected privilege or opportunity

4a. The experience of series of refusals or non-acceptance
Children rejected by fathers, young ladies rejected by several suitors, visa rejections
Impact is not gender-sensitive
Don’t be the one the devil will use to make anyone feel unwanted or unneeded
4b. Human conspiracies and betrayals (Prov. 18:24)
When people you love and value decide to leave your company, you realise it is not you they wanted but what you had, this results in feelings of betrayal
The worst form of pain is not physical but emotional
Human conspiracies and betrayals result in feelings of being unwanted, unneeded and inadequate; it makes you ask yourself if anything is wrong with you
The reason for most rejections is the unction that is to come
4c. Negative human tags and labels (Acts 17:26; Gal. 3:28)

I. Understand your placement in God; understand your placement in Christ (Ps. 139:14; Isa. 43:21; 1 Pet. 2:9; Eph. 2:4-6; 1:6)
It doesn’t matter what devil is trying to make you feel rejected, it is inconsequential; you are accepted in the Beloved (Eph. 1:6)
Don’t let anyone make you feel unnecessary
II. Understand that God is attracted to the rejected; understand that there is an unction for rejection to produce distinction (Matt. 21:42)
Make demands and take advantage of that unction; ask God who made something out of rejected to David to do same for you

It doesn’t matter where people keep you, what matters is where God has kept you; just remain in the company of God
III. Refuse to accept any negative or malicious label of the enemy (2 Cor. 10:3-6)
Ensure you don’t position yourself to be reduced or devalued
There is something about how you feel inside that is translated around your climate; refuse to move about apologetically

Father, thank You for Your Word to us today. To You be all the glory Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
Father, I come before You today to reject and refuse the spirits of fear and inferiority; I receive my healing, wholeness and deliverance now, in Jesus’ Name.
Father, we ask for the release of the mantle of royalty upon this house; we ask that not one of us will be low Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
Jesus, I come before You today and I receive acceptance and faith; I reject and refuse worry and anxiety; I reject and refuse the spell of rejection; oh you rejection, you have no place in my life, your tenure expires and you are leaving me NOW, in Jesus’ Name.
Father, I receive the seal of acceptance and authority, in Jesus’ Name.

– Every spell of low self-esteem is destroyed right now!
– Any wrong words that have affected your mind, life and sense of value, I declare them retrieved and refired back to hell!
– I prophesy wholeness to you and to your mind!
– This week is your week!
– Every demonic principality that has been resisting the full expression of your life’s potential, today is its end!
– Anyone with a feeling of rejection, that feeling is dying right now!

– Every spell of rejection, I decree it is over now!
– God will use your life to surprise those who think you will amount to nothing!
– Every trace of worry and anxiety is dead right now!
What is yours that you are not aware of is released into your hands!
– Everything that is an obstacle in your life is uprooted by the power of God!
– Whatever the enemy said you cannot achieve, you shall achieve it!
– It’s a new day and a new season for you!
– May the Hand of the Lord be mighty upon you and the purpose of the Lord be fulfilled in your life!

Thanks for reading Dr Paul Enenche Sunday Message 23 October 2022 at Dunamis International Gospel Centre.

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