Scripture Union Daily Guide 2024


Scripture Union Daily Guide for Tuesday 15 November 2022 Message



Scripture Union Daily Guide for Tuesday 15 November 2022 Message

DAILY GUIDE DEVOTIONAL is a daily scriptural reading published by THE SCRIPTURE UNION NIGERIA with the intent of encouraging individuals and families to have deep insight into GOD’S WORD, making them communicate better with their CREATOR on daily basis. Read Today’s DAILY GUIDE FOR TODAY Below;

Topic: Love, Not Out of Compulsion / Love, Flowing From Grace

Opening Prayer: My dear heavenly Father, as I study your word, let it be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

Philemon was a wealthy Christian in Colossae in whose home the church (Christian believers) met. One of his slaves, Onesimus, fled and went to Rome, apparently taking along some of his master’s possessions. While in Rome, Onesimus encountered Paul and became a very devoted Christian. He proved to be a great help to Paul during Paul’s imprisonment. Realizing the wrong done to a fellow believer by his former slave, Paul wrote this letter to Philemon’s family and the Church (vs.1‐2) to address the severed relationship and the wrongdoing of Onesimus. The letter was an appeal for Philemon to appreciate the transformation that the Gospel had produced in Onesimus and for him to receive Onesimus back not merely as his slave but more so as a beloved brother in Christ.

Scripture: Philemon 1‐14

Question(s) for Reflection
• Is there any example for me to follow or not to follow?
• Is there any promise for me to believe or hope for?

Outline For Scripture Union Daily Guide 15 November 2022

Paul never forgets to identify the good things in other people and offers a word or two of commendation. See how he commended Philemon in v.5. Notice the effect of Philemon’s faith and work on Paul (v.7). The issue Paul sets himself to resolve is very delicate. The sentence a runaway slave faces, if his master so decides, is death.

Read vs.8‐13 again and note the things Paul says first, about new Onesimus and then, about Philemon and his relationship with each of them. Paul is carefully stating all these to pacify Philemon and to let him know that Onesimus’s life is transformed through his relationship with Christ and with Paul. The old man Paul could have given an order to Philemon (v.8) but he decides to avoid the temptation to use his seniority or power to secure his desire. He would rather that Philemon takes his own well-thought-out decision regarding his slave.

Practice/Word Application
What Next? Think of the things you can do to show your love to the saints especially your Pastor and other itinerant Christian workers such as your Scripture Union Training Secretary.
• Any new insight or reinforcement of what you already know?

Closing Prayer
• Thank you, Father, that with you, no one is beyond redemption.
Offer a prayer of faith in line with Numbers 23:8
“How shall I curse, whom God hath not cursed? or how shall I defy, whom the LORD hath not defied?”

Bible Reading: Luke 13, 14; Romans 8; Psalms 120.

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